Grow AT MIV!
Millville Executive Airport (MIV) offers unique aviation and global business opportunities in an unusually comprehensive executive airport complex, including a 6,000-foot runway and 24-hour operations.
Discover the Ideal Business Destination that is Millville NJ, ! With hundreds of acres of developable land and incredible economic development incentives, Millville Executive Airport offers businesses countless options.

Tax incentives and Attractive loan opportunities for Ambitious businesses, including:
• US Foreign Trade Zone: Delays or minimizes custom duties and related import/export charges. Allows material to be imported duty-free, processed and made ready for shipment to the customer before duty is paid.
• NJ Urban Enterprise Zone: Exempts businesses from paying State sales taxes on certain products and services. Allows retail customers to pay half the normal State sales tax, and provides employment tax credits plus other tax benefits.
• GROW NJ: A powerful job creation and retention incentive program that strengthens New Jersey's competitive edge against tax incentive programs in surrounding states. Businesses that are creating or retaining jobs in New Jersey may be eligible for millions in tax credit dollars offered through this program.
• County of Cumberland: Can provide technical assistance, workforce training, financial programs and other incentives for businesses locating at Millville Executive Airport.
• Cumberland Empowerment Zone Corp.: A federal program located in Cumberland County that assists businesses with direct financing and microloans, plus provides tax exempt bonding and wage credits.
• City of Millville: Business friendly in providing approvals and permits in an efficient, business-like manner.
• Millville Urban Redevelopment Corp: A non-profit organization that coordinates the economic development of the City, provides small Urban Enterprise Zone loans and is instrumental in coordinating efforts of various Federal, State and County entities to help companies establish their business in Millville.
There is plenty of room and opportunity for growth, with over 70 acres of developable land airside and an additional 40 acres landside. New businesses can take full advantage of the DRBA’s build-to-suit and lease-back programs.
With hundreds developable land and economic development incentives, Millville Executive Airport offers businesses countless options.
Enjoy all the benefits of having the precise facilities you require at MIV without tying up your capital and grab your share of the numerous incentives.
For qualified businesses, the DRBA will build a facility to your specifications, and lease it back to you. That means with little capital outlay, you can build your ideal office, plant, retail operation or aviation department in this extraordinary location.
Leasing Opportunities
Ground Lease and Build-to-Suit opportunities are available. With Build-to-Suit, the DRBA builds, owns, and leases space in single and multi-tenant buildings. Tenants can also arrange to build and own their facilities while leasing property from the DRBA.
Millville is an attractive place to be, thanks to business-friendly government, ready infrastructure, expansive retail, and a vibrant arts, cultural and entertainment calendar. It’s close to major New Jersey freeways for ground transportation access, and near the New Jersey shore resorts and casinos, state game lands, and additional recreational opportunities.
Growing your business at the Millville Executive Airport (MIV) places your operations in the very center of the nation’s busy Northeast corridor. At your doorstep you have access to 6,000-foot runways and the full-amenities facilities of New Jersey’s second-largest airport.
For more info call: 302.571.6482
T-Hangar Rentals
The airport is home to 20 T-Hangars for lease with all currently occupied. Due to demand, there are plans to build box hangars in the near future. To be placed on the 2025 waiting list or be considered for box hangar space, click the button here.